Motivational Speaker and Influencer P. Wilson is an inspiring figure in the realms of addiction recovery, fitness, and mindset.

Having struggled with addiction since the age of 12, he has faced numerous challenges, including multiple stints in rehab.

P’s life took a positive turn as he found solace in fitness and exercise.

With a remarkable transformation, P. Wilson stands as a symbol of recovery and personal growth.

Fitness is not just about physical change but a key to enhancing one's mindset and overall lifestyle.

Dedication to personal growth, recovery, and ultimate confidence makes him a captivating influencer, and his journey serves as a source of hope and motivation for individuals seeking positive change in their lives.

P. has been sober for five years and counting.

SELFISH ME: The Guide to Self Improvement. The first step in personal development.

MACROS: Your first step in perfecting a nutritional diet.

THE READ: Slowing down your mind and taking in other peoples perspectives.

THE BROKEN HOME: In life there are no victims. These are only people who can’t move forward and determine their own path

WIFEY: The first step in developing a healthy relationship.

SWEET DAUGHTER: The first step to repairing yourself as a Father.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Only YOU can create the best YOU.

DIG DEEP: Look in the mirror. If you are not where you want to be…You need to make a choice.

BROTHERS: You can’t rely on anyone but yourself… in all circumstances there are no hand-outs… only hand-ups.

WES WATSON: A tribute to the man himself.